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Welcome to Pasadena Hypnosis Mp3
Your site for affordable, effective, downloadable hypnosis mp3s and CDs. Hypnosis is one of the most powerful personal self-development tools available for success, prosperity, and health.
How does it work?
Our conscious mind (12% of our mindpower) is the source of our goals, dreams, and desires. But if our subconscious mind (88%) has negative programming from the past, it can stop us from getting what we want. That’s why so many people feel a sense of “self sabotage.” Hypnosis is a powerful tool because it works at the level of the 88%, the subconscious mind.
Our mission here at Pasadena Hypnosis Mp3 is to offer you downloadable mp3 hypnosis recordings and CDs that will help you to literally “change your mind”. Hypnosis audio recordings can help remove blocks to health, happiness and success and allow you to think more positively and feel motivated to take action! Take some time to check out our growing selection of hypnosis audio recordings, we are adding more all the time!
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