
What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind in which the physical body is deeply relaxed and the mind is alert, clear and focused. It is normal for each of us to enter this state, (sometimes called a trance state) at least twice a day: right before we fall asleep and right after we wake up. There are also many other times during the day that we may enter a natural trance state, for example, while driving. Have you ever missed your exit on the freeway because you were “spacing out”? Other common examples of daily trance states are watching TV, listening to music, exercising, and daydreaming. All of these are examples of what is called “environmental hypnosis.” When you are in the hypnotic state while listening to a hypnosis mp3 recording, you will be awake, aware, and will hear and remember everything that is said.

How does a hypnosis recording put someone on hypnosis?

There are many techniques, or hypnotic inductions, that are used to put a person into hypnosis. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so a person must have a desire to go into the hypnotic state. The voice of the hypnotist in the recording guides and leads the person into this state by using certain words, phrases and imagery that affect the subconscious mind, leading to the hypnotic state.

Is the use of hypnosis to make positive changes a science?

There has been much research conducted to study hypnosis and the effects of hypnosis on the mind and body. This research using the scientific method has been published in medical and psychological journals.

I don’t feel hypnotized, does that mean I’m not?

Being in hypnosis is not a feeling, but a mental state. Focusing on being relaxed and having a positive expectation that you will enter hypnosis will contribute to your experience and the effectiveness of your listening session. It may take a few times listening to the recordings to get a sense of “depth.” If you are a person that often feels overwhelmed or “spaced out” in your daily life, this may suggest that you are already spending a lot of time in a trance state, hence you may not “feel” anything until you have listened to the recording two or three times.

I’m still thinking thoughts, even thoughts about whether I’m hypnotized. Is that supposed to happen?

While listening to the hypnosis audio recording, your mind may drift and you will be thinking thoughts. Even though your subconscious mind is in a highly suggestible state, your conscious mind will do what it always does: think, ask questions, and try to figure it out. Usually by the second session, you will notice your mind starting to calm down and you’ll have a greater experience of mental and physical relaxation.

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

There is no evidence that anybody can become stuck in hypnosis. Since all hypnosis is self hypnosis, you can come out of the state anytime you want to by simply opening your eyes and moving around.
Some people fall asleep under hypnosis while in a hypnotherapy or self hypnosis session. Even if left to sleep, they will wake up unhypnotised. A famous study was conducted where participants were hypnotized and the experimenter left the room claiming he had a problem to attend to. The participant was then unknowingly observed to see what would happen. Participants spontaneously woke up, with those highly susceptible to hypnosis taking slightly longer to do so.

Is hypnosis like sleep?

Despite the fact that the word hypnosis is derived from the Greek god of sleep, Hypnos, research has shown that sleep and hypnosis differ in the brain activity present during these states. Remember, hypnosis is not sleep and while in hypnosis you are awake, aware, and fully in control.

How can a hypnosis audio recording help me make changes in my life?

Hypnosis audio recordings use the power of suggestion in hypnosis to create a state of suggestibility in the subconscious mind. Suggestibility simply means open to suggestion. Hypnotic suggestions are used in the hypnosis recording to create new thoughts, ideas and associations at the level of the subconscious mind. Through repeated listenings of the audio recordings, your subconscious mind will become more comfortable and familiar with the desired changes in your life. People using hypnosis recordings report feeling more hopeful, higher levels of motivation, and less resistance to doing the things they need to do to be happy, healthy and successful.

Is hypnosis real?

Yes, hypnosis is real and scientifically validated. Hypnotic suggestions can be used to alter the sensations and perceptions of hypnotic subjects. Studies in which brain activity is measured show that the way the brain processes information can be altered with hypnosis.

What are some misconceptions about hypnosis?

Movies, television and the media have created many myths about hypnosis, such as the belief that you are under the control of the hypnotist or that you can be made to do something against your will. Other false myths are the belief that you will reveal information that you don’t want to reveal or that you won’t remember anything that happened during a hypnosis session.
Furthermore, stage hypnotists have contributed to these myths through entertaining shows where people do crazy things under the command of the hypnotist. The truth is that the people that raise their hands to volunteer at a stage hypnotist show are already willing and ready to do what the hypnotist asks them to do. If they aren’t, the hypnotist will send them back into the audience so that he ends up with the most suggestible and cooperative members of the audience on stage.
Although the idea that you can be controlled and subject to the commands of a hypnotist makes great Hollywood entertainment, nothing can be farther from the truth.

What does hypnosis feel like?

The experience or “feeling” of hypnosis is different for everybody. Most people associate a feeling of relaxation with hypnosis because most hypnotherapy recordings use relaxation techniques. Physically, people will have different responses to relaxation instructions – some feel heaviness in the body, others, a feeling of lightness or floating. Mentally, responses vary from a feeling of extreme focus or awareness to a profound sense of calm.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

Yes, anyone can be hypnotized if they are of average intelligence and have the ability to focus. All that is required is a willingness to be guided into hypnosis.
Some people are more easily hypnotized than others. Researchers have developed a hypnotic susceptibility scale to measure susceptibility to hypnosis. On this scale, people are classified as ‘highs’, ‘mediums’, or ‘lows’. The majority of people, (about 80%) are in the ‘medium’ group. They are able to experience many of the effects of hypnotic suggestion, and are likely to benefit from its use. About 10% of the population is considered very hypnotizable and roughly 10% are classified as ‘low’ – which means that they don’t respond strongly to hypnosis. However this low ability to respond to hypnosis can be increased by a skilled hypnotherapist.

What if I fall asleep?

Since a byproduct of the hypnotic state is deep relaxation, you may drift into a sleep state, especially if you are tired or sleep deprived. Research so far suggests that for hypnosis to be effective the participant should be awake. When listening to hypnosis recordings, it’s a good idea not to recline on your bed in the same position that you sleep in, but instead to recline in a chair or sofa where the association to sleep is less strong.

Is hypnosis dangerous?

There is no danger since hypnosis is a natural state. In addition, there is agreement among the majority of mental health professionals that there is no danger in using hypnosis for self improvement