Releasing Trauma
Trauma can be a deeply disturbing experience, a physical injury or both. Witnessing actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence has the potential to be traumatic. Most people will experience one trauma in their lives. Being in a serious accident, being involved in a war, experiencing a natural disaster, and being physically or sexually assaulted or abused are examples of traumatic experiences. The vast majority of people that experience trauma will be affected emotionally is some way. Most people will be able to recover on their own, but for some people, the trauma may lead to mental health issues such as PTSD, depression, anxiety or substance abuse.
Our natural movement towards health allows us to release the emotional impact of traumatic experiences. However, we can all use a little help. This recording can create deep relaxation in the body, releasing tension and pressure and begin to create more suggestibility to positive thoughts feeling and emotions, and less suggestibility to negativity. Your belief in your natural ability to heal is reinforced powerful suggestions are given to release trauma safely while in the dream state. (This hypnosis recording is not meant to be a substitute for professional psychiatric or psychological counseling. For serious and long lasting trauma, please seek the services of a licensed mental health professional.)
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